вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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1 day left of school

how awesome. Too awesome..something bad must be going to happen.
Did awesomely on my maths SAC so i was smitten today, Mr Olsen hi5apos;d me during a year 9 level assembly.

Buying soundwave tickets $110 later....., going to be crushed if 36cf do a side show... I wonder if i could sell my soundwave ticket...im sure some sucker will want it.

Iapos;m thinking of hanging out with Julian sometime soon, heapos;s a fairly awesome kid but i feel weird cause Iapos;m so old but he looks like heapos;s 19
Saw someone fall over on a curb today because they were running towards a bus at Chirnside, I felt horrible but the tears in my eyes were killing me. Nearly as funny as the awkward moment between Rob, me and Erin.

Me: Whatapos;s Basil Brush?
Rob: British Porn

**Erin walks in**

Erin: My back is killing me
Rob: Erin is in Basil Brush
Me: **trying to control laughter but sucking at it**

I felt so rude, to the point i made rob tell her the joke so she didnapos;t think we were insulting her.... Lmao

I finished Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Gonna start Metal Gear Solid after exams.
Once i start working going to save up for a ps3 or ps4 depending how far the technology comes along.

Researched pyramids and Sylvia Browne tonight.

Pyramids built by aliens I doubt.

Sylvia Brown = Fraud

I feel sorry for the families who she said their child was either dead/alive and they turned up the opposite of what she predicted. Thatapos;s horrible.

"There will be an earthquake in China"

Thereapos;s over 100 recorded Earthquakes in China every year... Nice observation though.

i suppose iapos;m a forward thinker, things must be proven before disproved.
If we did everything backwards we would be living like our relative neanderthal. Found in neander valley in germany... Yay for useless biology information.

There probably are true psychics out there but theyapos;re not at your local carnival or on your television screen. Thereapos;s a difference between a psychic and a pseudo celebrity psychic.

Just like God, but i wonapos;t get into that now... Iapos;d be here too long.
Speaking on that though

Next week = God Free tattoo. I shall know the apos;bookingapos; on Saturday once Lukeapos;s arse is done LMAO.

I read a bunch of gossip magazines of jadeapos;s cause they were on my desk... They are such crap. Who cares if a celebrity is fat or losing weight rapidly? Or if their outfit was a massive apos;DONapos;T.

Get fuckedddd aight?

I feel like watching the longest yard now.... Nelly says aight all the time. In fact... No he doesnapos;t, the guy in American History X does. Oh how annoying.

Iapos;m bored shitless, i didnapos;t even want to write livejournal posts but here i am. Nicoleapos;s cat is effing gorgeous. Thereapos;s an advertisemetn with a woman holding an IPOD saying apos;tell me how much you want me to sell itapos;

how about, apos;IPODapos;s are shit and should not be endorced because of their overall shitnessapos; just like ze IPhone.

Meh i hate everyone tonight

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

before land movie script time

So I�had work today.. And if anyone has ever watched, seen, or heard of the show, Paris Hiltonapos;s New BFF,... Well. I saw Onch �Vanessa at Puente Hills Mall today

Onch is that really girly Asian boy on the show and Vanessa is that .. Uh. Just that one girl.
I saw them right before closing up at the mall. They were walking into Sanrio (itapos;s right across from where I�work, in a small kiosk). I�didnapos;t want to be awkward and call them out or anything so I�just smiled at them when they walked by.

Lalala. Thatapos;s all Onch dresses sooo funkyyyy. Itapos;s weird, out of all places, why would they be at our dead-end Puente Hills Mall?�Keny told me that Onch lived in the area.. I�guess thatapos;s why.

Vanessa is that girl in the green dress.

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Well, Fall break was relaxing and all. Too bad this is going to be one stressful week. Brilliant... But, about fall break first. It was nice being home, let me tell you. I wanted to see my friend Abby in Romeo and Juliet on Friday. Friday, my mom and I drove out to Raleigh, getting to Enloe around 7:00 and headed to the door. A girl at the door asked if we had preordered tickets. We didnapos;t and so we had to leave. Sad, I know. But, I looked online and there were still tickets for Saturday, so we bought a pair. Saturday was a busy yet awesome day. First, I VOTED IN MY FIRST PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION It was amazing. I hope Obama wins :). It wonapos;t be the end of my world if he doesnapos;t though. Then, after voting (yay), we went to see the DEAD SEA SCROLLS They rotate them out ever few months. I got to see really old versions of Isaiah, and Deuteronomy (or Exodus?) and other important documents. It was so amazing That evening, my mom and I went to Enloe to see Romeo and Juliet. It was once again amazing. Those Enloe kids are soo talented Iapos;m going to miss seeing Abby in shows because she is amazing as well. It was interesting because the audience followed the cast around to different parts of the school for different scenes and the actors were modern day costumes, but still used the Shakespearean language. It was neat. I canapos;t wait for their musical (I hope I can go). Then, I got to go to St. Francis this morning, where I saw a few youth including Jacob Tobia And Jacob Timmons and Abby and Sarah and Susan who was home from Michigan It made me happy. Jacob hugged me :) That always makes me very happy. I had to be back by 4:30 so I could be to the church for youth group. We left so that Iapos;d be back at Wesley by 3:30 so that I could take everything I brought back with me up to my room. About half way, I realized I forgot my key and we had to turn around.. Luckily, Apex is not that far from Chapel Hill. I still made it back by 4:00 and was not late to youth. Worship went well, and we had a DT meeting after. That went well. Interfaith is meeting soon: October 27 is our goal. Iapos;m excited because I got us a Presbyterian :) Though I found out our next Folklore paper is due next Monday... And I have a Math test on Friday I really need to study for... And I register for classes on Saturday.. And I have no idea what I want to take. This is going to be the week from Hell.. I canapos;t wait until itapos;s over. I still need a Halloween costume too :( At least Iapos;ve done something in the FS arena tonight :)
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I have finished my psych experiment report. I feel like I have left things out of it. There is so much to remember to put in. I guess thatapos;s why I like it, I suppose - writing a psych experiment report is far more formulaic than writing a 2000 word answer to a vague question.

Speaking of that, I have a Sociology essay just like that to do now. And then two 1500 word essay as apos;take home examsapos; for International Relations. Then my Psychology exam. Iapos;m actually glad I get to finish with the Psychology exam. It will be the best part. I think it would be more stressful to finish with something else.

Anyway, Iapos;m rambling and I remembered last night that I havenapos;t written about my sisterapos;s hens day. I will shortly. Iapos;m sure youapos;re all hanging for it.

I will finish by saying that last night Brian made me a dinner of smoked salmon, lemon, fresh bread, and potato salad, and he didnapos;t make it for you.

The end.

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Sooo....this has been crazyy...so we ya know kinda broke up..it tore me to pieces..but whatever right??..i FINALLY�realized that it was for the better...but thennnn a couple nights ago i went to a movie with a whole buncha people...and yeah...his friends are behind us in the line to get a ticket...they see me...then they start talking about me....they were like..."thatapos;s the girl he was hanging out with...but he just left. He wasnapos;t going to come see the movie"....i was like thank goodness heapos;s not coming...and then...we go and sit in the theatre...so yeah..and then his friends sit in front of us..and iapos;m like dearr lord....and then 10 minutes later he walks in...iapos;m like ARE�YOU�KIDDINGGGG�ME??...i was freaking out...but yeah..then he stared at me for a while..and i just ignored him..then i watched the movie...and didnapos;t pay attention to him...then we left...yeah..it was a good time...NOT.....i find it a little dumb that he shows up after his friends say that heapos;s not coming...does he regret what he did??...i have no idea...but the HORRIBLE�thing is....if he said today that he wanted me back...iapos;d go back to him in an instant..cause iapos;m soo not over� him...this sucks..i need to get over his sorry butt...cause heapos;s a loser...and dumb...and stupid...and erggh...i am still crazy over him...<3

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This place does not allow you to have a lie in on a Sunday. It is an out rage. I ALWAYS have a lie in on Sunday. Ever since I was a young Time Lord and discovered Earth for the very first time. This is for the simple reason, that nothing ever happens on a Sunday, and so it is the perfect opportunity to lie back and catch up on that much needed rest. Perhaps take a meal of tea and crumpets into the warm sunshine and bask in its glory. Perhaps play cricket on the green with the local youth (in the days before chavs and yobs). Anything remotely fun and relaxing.

However, the ASA have other plans. Prayers at 6am for starters. As a new recruit, I am also expected to partake in lessons, to learn about the alien species and cultures. So far I am at the bottom of my class. This is because the text book is WRONG. Of course I tried to explain this to the lecturer, I also tried to teach the class the true ways of the universe, but I was handed a dunces hat and told to sit in the corner.

Another thing I have learned. There are three classes of worshiper here in the complex.

1. The Devoted Follower - He who gave up his life and worldly possessions to live and work at the Complex.
2. The True Believers - Those who go above and beyond the call of duty. Those who have proved themselves to the Great Ones and have received special privileges. These parade the halls like Prefects in a school, keeping watch over the Followers and helping them on their way to enlightenment. (These I believe, are also those who have been sat in front of the Mind Sucker. They are easily controled by whoever is pulling the strings, and keeps the others in check.)
3. The Brethren - Those who seem to be in charge, and yet, are not in charge. They stand guard over the Inner Sanctum. I feel this is where I shall find my answers.

As if to add truth to my theory about the True Believers, today I received my notification of promotion, much to the horror of my class mates. It seems they consider me worthy and have invited me ascend to the second level. This will mean less menial work (yay my spine is no killing me). However, I still need to get up on Sundays (boooo). Regardless, the higher up the ladder I go, the easier it will be to find the truth.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I am a first time blogger. So Iapos;m not really sure how it all works. I guess I dont really know where to start..or how..but Im here just to sort of sort out my feelings/observations of myself and others around me. Sooo yeah. I really wish this first blog could be something very interesting...but at the same time this is not what I am starting this for..it is just me freely expressing..myself. I need a place to do so..and the internet seems to be the most conveneint and well here I am. I would like to post my poetry, freestyle ryhmes really. Just thoughts. Realizations. Ideas. Idk. Time will tell I�guess. It seems so odd typing a journal entry..but thats what this has to be..if i make this thinking anyone else will read it I will be doing the opposite of what I�want..this is for me...for a better understanding ..i have to be honest and real and...blah. I can do it. That is all for now.
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