воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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This place does not allow you to have a lie in on a Sunday. It is an out rage. I ALWAYS have a lie in on Sunday. Ever since I was a young Time Lord and discovered Earth for the very first time. This is for the simple reason, that nothing ever happens on a Sunday, and so it is the perfect opportunity to lie back and catch up on that much needed rest. Perhaps take a meal of tea and crumpets into the warm sunshine and bask in its glory. Perhaps play cricket on the green with the local youth (in the days before chavs and yobs). Anything remotely fun and relaxing.

However, the ASA have other plans. Prayers at 6am for starters. As a new recruit, I am also expected to partake in lessons, to learn about the alien species and cultures. So far I am at the bottom of my class. This is because the text book is WRONG. Of course I tried to explain this to the lecturer, I also tried to teach the class the true ways of the universe, but I was handed a dunces hat and told to sit in the corner.

Another thing I have learned. There are three classes of worshiper here in the complex.

1. The Devoted Follower - He who gave up his life and worldly possessions to live and work at the Complex.
2. The True Believers - Those who go above and beyond the call of duty. Those who have proved themselves to the Great Ones and have received special privileges. These parade the halls like Prefects in a school, keeping watch over the Followers and helping them on their way to enlightenment. (These I believe, are also those who have been sat in front of the Mind Sucker. They are easily controled by whoever is pulling the strings, and keeps the others in check.)
3. The Brethren - Those who seem to be in charge, and yet, are not in charge. They stand guard over the Inner Sanctum. I feel this is where I shall find my answers.

As if to add truth to my theory about the True Believers, today I received my notification of promotion, much to the horror of my class mates. It seems they consider me worthy and have invited me ascend to the second level. This will mean less menial work (yay my spine is no killing me). However, I still need to get up on Sundays (boooo). Regardless, the higher up the ladder I go, the easier it will be to find the truth.

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